New Driver Alert

This has been a week of milestones for Emma and for us.  
She has come a LONG way since my my March 18, 2017 Insta video post.  Check out that awesomeness and my supreme parenting moment below 😂:

Today she took her first solo driving trip, Sunday after church, because tomorrow she takes her sister to school and I will stalk them like a creeper mom from a 1/2 mile back (just kidding...I hope 😂).  
She did an awesome job, had gorgeous turns, good speed control, and made exceptional use of her blinkers 🙌🏼.  She even added her own stickers to the back windshield to give her car a sense of Emma.  

Once we got to Addie’s middle school, I hopped into her car and pretended to be Addie.  I thanked her for getting me to school safely and then got out and walked like a peach towards the school doors.  Then she played loud music and tried to embarrass me, just kidding again:).  But Addie, this IS Emma and I have trained her well in how to embarrass, so be on high alert and wear running shoes, so you can ditch the Subaru quickly, leaving Emma, Taylor Swift & Justin Bieber behind 😆.

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