February 25, 2018
Today, Brian and I gave the older girls a view into what our next several months would possibly look like. We told them we had picked out a realtor, we were going to spend the next 10 days getting the house ready to sell, hopefully it will sell it relatively quickly, and that at some point after that, we will head back west to Southern California.
We explained God has been gradually closing one door after another for us in Kansas, but we are waiting and praying He opens new doors for our family in California. We are taking a huge step of faith.
It wasn’t much after the realtor part, they both interrupted with tears, expressions, and words of joy. They both said, in so many words, Kansas has been nice, but they each had been praying that we could leave soon. Addie even threw in she has been praying to move for almost 3 years. We laughed at their polite excitement and were both caught off guard by our own rush of raw emotions. It was like a giant weight and burden was instantly lifted with our unclear, but giant step of faith. It was as if we could feel pain begin to heal with the word of hope we had just shared. For the first time in years, it felt like we could all breathe again, like we had been holding our breath and finally took our first breath again together. The freedom we all felt was unanimous.
Addie is upstairs with a giant Home Depot box, clearing out her closet knick-knacks to make it more presentable to possible home buyers. It felt good to finally get to share with our oldest girls how God has been leading our hearts. We have two new prayer warriors and two girls who are about to get on the faith train in a new big way.