Proud Moments

I did it.
I garnered all the courage I could.
And I did it.
I am so proud of myself.
I could shout from the rooftops.
I manned all 5 kids.
And I did this outside the safe confines of my own house.
I went public with them.
All. by. myself.

Proud Moment #1
First, (that's right, I said first, meaning I made it to more than one place)
we all went to the doctor's office to get Nehemiah's shots.
This is what is looked like: Emma & Addie walked,
Titus & Gwenyth were in the double stroller,
and I carried Nehemiah in the sling.
They had to move us to a bigger room, b/c as our nurse put it to another nurse "...she brought her whole family." It's spring break this week, what's a mom supposed to do?!
The big kids got to listen to their hearts with the stethescope while Nehemiah got vaccinated..

Proud Moment #2
After that little trip went so well, I felt confident. I felt like SuperMom.
I felt like I could take on the motherload of all public places.
Go where I hardly like to go when I have no kids.
I braved Wal-Mart.
I will say it again, WAL-MART.
Am I that desperate for new scenery that I acutally attempted Wal-Mart (Is poor decision making one of the first things to go when someone's sleep deprived?).

And I acutally had a list of things to buy.
We picked out a $3 Miley Ray Cyrus t-shirt for mommy (it has a picture of a phone booth on it-not a picture of Hannah Montana, just to make sure that's clear...I'm not that sleep deprived).
We picked up some milk & long grain rice (my dinners are desperately needing some decent side dishes & Uncle Ben's clearly qualifies as just that in my book). We miraculously navigated our way to the kitchen appliance isle, and bought an new air-pop popcorn popper (We got one for a wedding gift & it just died. Proud Moment #3: outlasting our popcorn popper). I threw that proud moment in just for fun.
And lastly, I am proud to say we attempted the shoe isle. I can't beleive that I took everyone to Wal-Mart, but I especially can't believe I manged the shoe isle. Oh no I din'nt!

Today we are staying home. One public outing a week is good for now.

Next on my list of goals to conquer this week- all five kids in their rooms or off my body for one hour for quiet/nap time. As I type this post, I have 4 down & one sleeping on me. For around 2 minutes Gwenie was in a pack & play sleeping, until Addie had to make a trip to the restroom and flushed the toilet. Tomorrow, bathroom trips before quiet time starts.

B/c I don't have a picture of me at Wal-Mart with all 5, I decided to include some Easter pictures of them instead. Plus, they look much cuter outside of a shopping cart.

This is my great Uncle Jack holding Gwenyth. Uncle Jack is who my dad is named after and where Nehemiah gets his middle name from. I think he has one of the best smiles I have ever seen.
Here is Unlce Jack holding Nehemiah & his daughter, Ilene, holding Gwenyth.
Here is Titus with his favorite Easter basket treat...a mini-rake.
During the Easter egg hunt, he didn't know what to do. He saw the girls sprinting about. So, he ran around the yard quickly picking up anything he could find and putting it in his, balls, dirt, etc. Later when he found out they had eggs & how they had goodies in them- it was game on for his sisters baskets. Lots of wrestling followed.
Have a beautiful day!!


Miranda said…
I love this post - very well documented and you already were in my book, but this confirms you are an absolute SUPER mom!!!
Kelli said…
You are my hero! I can have a hard enough time going out with just one! Congrats! Praying for that quiet time- you deserve it!
Shannon said…
You go, girl! You should most definitely be proud - wowzaaa! One of my least favorite outings with all 3 is to the doctor. Somehow it ALWAYS goes haywire there and I end up feeling claustrophobic and MISERABLE. (Not to mention feeling like a moron of a mom in front of the doc - sheesh.)

FIVE thumbs up to YOU!!!
Jack and Doreen said…
You should be on the receiving end of a twenty-one gun salute....
Did you get a nap today?
Love, mom