
8pm has always been my breaking point. I've been mom & going all day. By 8 pm my ears are all filled up and my body is all emptied out. It's bedtime. However, since having the twins, 8pm is usually no different than 8am. Everyone is awake, the laundry is sitting in the dryer, the syrup is still out, and my clothes are usually the same-sweats/pajama's/as stylin' as I can get.

We'd work hard to get the girls & Titus into bed right around 8pm.
I used to sing them a song and quickly kiss them goodnight.
I was tired.
However, since the twins have arrived this time of night has changed.
Bedtime is a little later & louder. More importantly, these are not only my last minutes of the day with my older kiddos, these have become my slowest and most favorite. Since most of the day I am holding, feeding, diapering, or burping a baby, I'm not as able to run around with my older kiddos.
I know it is just a season, but still, it is time going by.
I don't get it back.
I take my time with them at night now-one by one, soaking them in & relishing in their specialness to me.

I love that once Brian says goodnight to Titus, my little man is saying, "Momma? Momma? Dong (which is "song" in his language)." I love to lay next to him and sing his sweet little face to sleep. Then I say to him, "Mommy loves you Titus Grant." And he makes a kiss sound into the air in my direction, b/c he can't say I love you yet. My heart melts.

I love going into the girls room, where dear Emma's little reading light is always on & she is busy catching the last pages of her latest mystery. I crawl into bed with Addie first and she always giggles that deep belly giggle about something she said that day or something I said to her. I love how she can laugh at anything. I sing to her and throw in new personalized lyrics sometimes just to hear the deep belly laugh again.

Then I climb over to Emma's bed. She turns off her light and I ask her what song she wants to hear. "Hallelujah," is what she almost always says. That's the song I used to sing to her when she was in my tummy. 7 years later she still gets to hear it & I still get to sing it. It starts, "Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so." So simple, so true, and words I hope she always believes. I run my fingers through her hair and give her a big hug. She always lands a kiss on my cheek-she loves to do that and she never forgets. I tell the girls I love them and close their door just a little bit, b/c Addie doesn't like the dark.

8pm is beautiful.
Tucking my little people into bed is the best.
I love them so.


Kelli said…
Lindsay that was so sweet! It made me cry!
Amy said…
So sweet! I reminds me that I need to cherish those sweet moments a little more. This tired pregnant Mommy just wants to sit down and be done for the day. Would love to hang out some day soon even if we are both still wearing our comfy sweats!