"Fairies DO NOT wear rain boots!"
"No," retorted my fabulous Nature Fairy.
Well, Nature Fairies might not wear rain boots, but surely they can stop the rain on Halloween. Amazingly, the rain stopped...Praise the Lord though for that one and one praying fairy.
~Enter behind the scenes story tangent~
Addie's my kiddo that can talk big game, but then quickly change her mind (see this post). She was the originator of the Nature Fairy costume concept and quickly knew every dazzling detail her costume would entail. After several hours on my sewing machine, pinning yards upon yards of ribbon, time bonding with my glue gun, numerous trips to Wal-Mart, her dream costume became a reality. And it was nearly divine for, oh, about 7 mintues, and then she said she didn't want to wear it anymore...she just wanted to wear a pink leotard and her tennis shoes. Now, I'm all for creativity and free-spiritedness, but a leotard? What? ... with a fine piece of tulle magic at her finger tips? I think not. All hours of poofy tulle, hot glue, and epic lines at Wal-Mart came bubbling to the surface and I, as politely as possible given the "hear me roar" that was brewing inside me, told her this year she would be a Nature Fairy and next year she could be a Leotard Girl. Now you can go back to that picture of my darling Nature Fairy and re-appreciate with me just how magnificent she looks...just kidding...stay tuned for Leotard Girl-364 days and counting! Gotta love that girl!
~back to Halloween~
Emma was also a Nature Fairy and she couldn't get enough of it...she frolicked to each door with her flower wand, nature basket, and poofy nature dress! I loved watching her...since birth she has had an unquenchable zest for life and all things frilly and fabulous.
Here is one hot chicken...
Happy Halloween!!