3 Little Pigs

Our home is surrounded by dirt. Dirt & tractors. Dirt in the front yard, dirt in the side yard, dirt in mounds reaching higher than our roof line in the backyard. Dirt in my house, trekked in by little feet covered in dirt. Brian changed Titus' diaper last week and thought he had a big poo-poo, but upon further review found a diaper full of dirt...oh the joy!

This weekend was a gorgeous weekend in So Cal. We decided to wash some of the dirt off of our cars. When some of the water from the hose mixed with some of our yard dirt it made a huge playpit full of mud. My kids wasted no time diving in & moments later the three of them were on all fours snorting like pigs, laughing hysterically, covered in mud. It was hilarious. Our neighbors, especially my older neighbor across the street who likes to spy on us through his living room window, must have wondered how people like us made our way into the neighborhood. Everything was fun & games for almost an hour, until it was time to wash off. Each child was several pounds heavier in mud, Brian decided to hose them down before they hopped into the bathtub. It started off just fine & dandy, until Addie got a little dirt/water in her mouth, to which my little girl, whose tongue can pack a hefty punch, launched into a dramatic tirade that was so loud and just so loud. She forcefully yelled, "Daddy, why are you doing this!! Why? Do you want me to die?!" Die? Did she just say "die" and say it really loudly?? How did we get from fun & laughing to throwing around words like "die"? Quick, what is "spy" neighbor doing? He sees way better than he hears, so hopefully all he sees is fun and hears sounds that could easily be mistaken for laughter. Afterall, I was still taking pictures (what any good loving mother would be doing) & Brian was still operating the hose with a smile.

(below is a picture when the hose was still fun,
before it made contact with the mouth)

Hubby & I looked at each other, still fresh visions of the 3 little pigs before our eyes, snorting around in the mud, as well as, the slippery pyramid they tried to make, the flying mud balls, mud shampoo, and mud lotion they lathered themselves in-all very proud, fun moments.

Addie did eventually make it to the bathtub-albeit loudly & after she was gently rinsed down by the hose & there she relived only the fun parts of her afternoon in the mud. Emma endured the rinsing like a champ and when it was Titus' turn all he said was "No"-visions of Addie's moment of glory fresh in his mind. Soon Dora bubbles replaced the muddy mess & the fun picked up where it left off-just before the garden hose entered the picture.

Hopefully the backyard transformation will be done soon.
Grass is the light at the end of this very long tunnel I'm living in.


Miranda said…
Fun! I love the pic of the water spray!
SPKarenO said…
um...can my girls come play in the mud with your girls? i don't think they've ever played in the mud, and i think they would need some coaxing, but it would be oh so fun and good for them to experience that sort of fun!
clearly you are a muddier parent than i, and i mean that with huge amounts of love and respect.
Shannon said…
I wanna play, I wanna play!
Lindsay said…
Karen get you and your girls up here for some fun in the sun & mud. I'll put you in charge of the hose part & I'll take care of the mud part. We will have so much fun!!
Amber said…
I love these photos! Funny how kids are happiest getting really dirty, lol. Great job capturing the moment, I love how these photos show their fun spirit.
Unknown said…
I think Mommy's that let their kids play in the mud are the very best kind! So sweet : )