Hello, I'm Mister Ed

Look who we met today...
Have you ever had a horse flash its pearly whites at you before?

I hadn't either, until today. And I got to thinking....
maybe they reserve their best smiles for the farm-animal challenged people in society.

Today leaves me feeling unusually warm & fuzzy towards farm animals.
Farmer Mommy...maybe I am!

Here are a few more photos from the excursion. How about a sign that says Whoa! And right next to horses...my thoughts exactly.
Here is Addie being adventurous...until the horse sneezed.
Then she let out her own Whoa!
Titus took in all the horse splendor from his stroller.
He was good for a few nervous giggles.
Emma loved the horses too & they loved her.

Last week, on the path, Titus and I got cozy with a Clydesdale. This horse knew how to wave goodbye with its hoof. So, to wrap things up, in the last week I have been smiled at and waved to- by two separate horses. Who knew I had horse whisperer talents. Yee-haw!

That "Yee-haw!" just felt very unnatural.
Have a great day!


SPKarenO said…
That is an awesome photo of Titus and the clydesdale!!
Lindsay said…
I was nervous that the clydesdale would step on him, but the man on the horse assured me he wouldn't...I trusted him and not my wanna-be farm animal lover gene-which would have had us looking at the horse from our front window :)
Thanks for the photo shout-out!