Farmer Mommy, I am not
However, it was shortly after today's adventure, I came to realize that I am a wanna-be farm animal toucher/lover. I don't ever want to show fear or the eebie-jeebie's, in hopes my kids won't be scared, but today that tall order changed. This morning, when Amy handed Addie & I our baby chick, I knew instantly it was a bad idea & she must not have picked up on my "please let us just look at the chickee" vibe. Amy might not have picked up on my trepidation, but the chickee sure did, as soon as it touched my skin-it wanted away. Amy made it look so easy..."cup your hands and make a little home for the chick," she sweetly said all in control & at ease...but the flapping of wings and the scratchy little feet was just too much for me and our chick was quickly enjoying some new found freedom on the farm wood chips (which Amy said was okay...phew!...because for me there was no other option). Then at the next station, the goat & sheep station, things did not go much better. I think goats can sense discomfort. Within moments Addie and I were cornered by goats and one curious sheep. We pet them, made kind faces & talked real sweet-in a goat-whisperer kind of way (what more can a goat want?), and then one started to eat my sweater. What on earth? How do you get away from a goat that wants to eat your sweater, but still remain calm and not afraid looking? All the while the sheep, with no personal space issues kept nudging up on me. I gave it a pet and a smile?!
Well, the truth finally came out ... about my wanna-be farm animal loverness...
Anyway, I really like animals, but mainly to look at or pet through a gate or fence (just kidding about that last part... sort of). I think it's the unpredictability and the scratchy feet/toes that really get me. My kids love animals and I hope that is in large part because I have taken them to see lots of them...full of the ebbie-jeebies, but still there, trying to be Farmer Mommy :)
Titus, however, seems to have inherited the mommy wanna-be animal lover gene. He'd look at the animals and let out this nervous giggle, half-terrified and half-laughing/curious....Oh Titus, do I know that sound well, it's the same sound I'm making inside.