These boots were made for walking...

Now that Gwenyth is mobile.  We have had many new adventures in this house and many new types of conversations.  Today Emma came into the twins room where all six of us had been playing. 
She said, "I think Chewbacca is in the toilet." I replied calmly as I picked up blocks, "Is there any pee or poop in the toilet?"  Because there is nothing worse than a toy in the toilet accompanied by either of those things or toilet paper, which is the real mood changer.  "No, just Chewbacca.  At first I thought he was a poop, but then I noticed that sash he has across his shoulder."  "Thanks Emma, sorry about that." 
Last week it was a toothbrush, a water toy, and an umbrella.  
This week Chewbacca. 
 I can only wonder what we will find in there, when the twins put their heads & feet together.

And since the culprit is much cuter than a drenched Chewbacca, here she is...

She also steals hairbrushes, but they haven't made their way to the toilet...yet.

Post edit:  I did not dye my hair magenta. The hair in the hair brush is from My Little Pony :)


Shannon said…
Ohhh my. The "I thought it was poop" comment made me giggle. There's a very funny story in our family along those lines.

This past Christmas season, my Uncle was walking down the hall early in the a.m. and saw something small, dark, and brown on the rug. They JUST got a new puppy, so he picked up the "poop" and flushed it down the toilet. A bit later, he found another and did the same thing.

Later that day, my Aunt asked him, "Where's Joseph and Mary?" The two figures were missing from her wooden nativity set ... that she GOT IN AFRICA TWO YEARS PRIOR.

Ahem. I think you can see where this is going ...

A very expensive call to a plumber later (the toilet had clogged in the meantime), Mary was found (though not salvageable after her time in the pipes), and Joseph was gone .. for eternity.

And now my Uncle has a new legacy ... the man who flushed Jesus' parents down the toilet. He's going to have some tough questions to answer when he reaches the pearly gates!

I like Chewbacca very much. He was loyal to Han Solo through thick and thin. Give Emma a high five for alerting the household, and I've go a hands up, mouth wide-open scream for you Lindsay, for actually saving him from the grips of a violent flush.
Aunt Denise said…
Boy, Linds, Gwenyth IS really mobile. Moving right out. And how cute she is too!! I loved her boots. Quite the stylish type!!
Love, Denise
Steph said…
Where did you find those boots??? I need some... um, my girls need some.
She is adorable!!!
Lindsay said…
I love the boots too...I bought them from a second hand store for $3. Crazy, but true! They rock! She is a new walker, so when she is wearing them and walking she looks sort of like a wolly mammoth :)