Pink Bikes & Polka Dots

My mom and dad came into town to help us celebrate Titus.
My mom picked up a new hobby...

I think she is trying to hop the curb in that last shot...
Mom, you should get your own pink bike, because you look so adorable on mine :)


Jack and Doreen said… are sort of right...I wasn't going for a curb jump,but a wheelie, ...I decided against that, too, and just did the "elevated elbows" stunt...awesome bike...thanks for sharing it
Mom, great moves on the bike. Curb jumps and wheelies are both cool tricks. Lindsay and I used to do them all the time on our bikes. Love the intensity! Any out of control moments in there?
Jack and Doreen said…
zero, zip, nada for any out of control moments...I only wish you could have seen Emma, Addie and myself roaring down the street with our legs splayed out to the THAT takes great balance and coordination and some of that "throw caution to the wind" attitude I'm known for...