My Brother

My girls have a nickname for their little brother Titus. They often introduce him as their "bother." I'm sure there were many days in my fabulous childhood that I would have liked to introduce my brother that way-like the day he pushed me off the bathroom counter, or the day he sent me down a ski hill of moguls when I wasn't ready, or the many times he would throw a ball at me when I wasn't looking-gotta love the element of surprise. I'm sure if you ask him, he'll tell you a very different story, but this is my blog & what I say is always 100% true :) But if you want to meet my awesome bother, you can now officially check his blog, because he is now a bloggin' man. If you don't know him, I still highly suggest you read his blog b/c he has an unmatchable wit and ability to write. He is the best & I love, now that the wind isn't knocked out of me anymore from being pushed of the counter and it's been 20 years since pulling the snow out of every corner and crevice of my snowsuit :)
Click here if you want to go straight to his blog.
P.S. Those monkeys in the picture are gifts from my kids & Matt has taken them all around the world. We both keep a photo album of their travels. The kids dig it!!
P.S.S. I helped get my brother's blog page going. He is at my mercy with its picture & page design. I admit, it feels a little thrilling, like when throwing a ball at someone's head and they aren't looking. At least I didn't use any pink, girly swirly fonts or floral accents & he did say the picture could stand for awhile :) I personally dig the look!


Jack and Doreen said…
Where were your mother and father when all this violence was occurring????

Love, your Mother and Father
Anonymous said…
At square dancing!

Lindsay said…
Nice...Matt :) Ahh, the square dancing days.
Jack and Doreen said…
...sorry...couldn't get enough of those petticoats...
Your negligent but loving parents
Lindsay said…
Matt, you could add learning to square dance on your list of things to learn while in Saudi. Too bad Rosetta Stone only covers languages....maybe mom & dad could throw together an old video for you-just for old times sake.
Love, Lindsay
Anonymous said…
I thought about that Lindsay, but I don't like the outfits.

Jack and Doreen said…
Nonsense, can't beat those skinny leather string ties, the plaid shirts with the stylish stud fasteners and, above all, a talented and graceful partner in one of those poofy, aforementioned petticoats...go for it, pardner..
Yee-haw, mom