Boys and their toys

The other day, Brian gave Titus his very first weed whacker.
That's right, I said "His very first," because I'm sure there will be more down the road and I said "weed whacker," and I don't mean the plastic Fisher Price kind from Wal-Mart.
Before I go any further, Brian did take off the battery before he gave it to him, so it doesn't work, but still the thing is twice the size of my little man.
Titus is not keen on using words or even trying, but he is one talented little guy when it comes to sound effects. He will weed whack while making weed whacking sounds for the greater part of an hour. He'll weed whack in the house, in the front yard, on our neighbor Marvin's yard, or on his sisters. He carries that thing around with perfect gardening form and the second he sees his dad start on yard work, he goes straight to his weed whacker to help out-sound effects in all.
I can only wonder what our neighbors think.

Here my boys are getting some edging done.
Nothing like boys and power tools that make a lot of noise.

Buzz cuts and using tools...
two things my hubby couldn't wait to share with his son.
