Who knew?
Today I went to check in on the girls to see how they were doing & how playing in their room was going, when something out of the ordinary caught my eye. It was Jesus-in the dollhouse. I had to do a double take. At second glance, it was definitely Jesus and He was definitely in the dollhouse....
Sitting next to Barbie and they were on a purple sofa. Next to them were their "children," Coco Calypso and Pinocchio. Who would've thunk it? ...my two girls and their fabulous imagination-that's two for starters :) And that's what I get for not forking over $15.99 for
a Ken doll.
a Ken doll.
Oh, and I almost forgot to mention Moses was taking a break upstairs.
These dolls are from a company called one2beleive. They are sold online at www.one2beleive.com. Not only do they look cool, but they talk!! Jesus shares some of his favorite verses from the New Testament and Moses recites the 10 Commandments-all from just a push of a button on their back. We have always loved these dolls because they have served as a fun way to learn memory verses and they have been a fun way to share with our neighbors and classmates at school about some of our favorite Bible heroes.
Gotta love it!!
Gotta love it!!