Football season is officially here!
At the start of every football season I like to get a "football-y" kind picture, usually with the kids holding or wearing some type of football paraphernalia. This year, I had envisioned the perfect picture and it was oh so beautifully laid out in my head...what a memory I would create this year, what a moment in time I would capture and a picture I could cherish forever! Football season 2008 here we come! I was ready to execute. And there's the rub-execution. I forgot about the difficulty of that part. In all my envisioning, I hadn't envisioned the execution part. I should have been ready for what was to come.
The photo shoot involved 2 stuffed footballs (one big, one small) and one to-die-for wool football hat. The following pictures lay out the gradual, painful, and yet hilarious progression of our photo shoot, complete with photo descriptions.Picture #3: Emma: no football, Addie: big football, Titus: losing to-die-for wool hat & small football.
(This is one of my favorite pictures!)
Picture #5: Enter headband (out of nowhere).
Picture #6: Emma: to-die-for wool football hat, Addie: big football, Titus: headband.
So, there you have it. Another successful Willmer family photo shoot.
Go Cougars!!