On my final leg of school drops-offs, I am with Titus. These past few days we have been timing it up to see the same crew of kids riding their bikes into school. One of the boys has a sweet electric bike, not the kind you see peeps my age strolling around town in. This one is much cooler. "He's rich," said Titus. Playing devil's advocate, I said, "Maybe his family likes bikes or maybe they are trinket/gadget type of people?!" He quickly and politely said, "No, he wears cool expensive shoes and brand names, and he is popular." We pulled up to the front of the school in our 1998 Honda Civic and I lovingly said, "Make the things that last, the most important to you. I love you, buddy."
Like every day, he shocks himself getting out of the car as his clothes rub against the cloth seats, grabs his humongous backpack (with a koala bear keychain hanging from it-a gift from his sister), closes the door and begins to walk into school. He always gives me a quick goodbye glance, as I pull away. It's like a hug with our eyes. I see he's welling up with tears. He is thankful and I know it. The world will challenge and bait with what is important, but clear eyes to the rich gift of Jesus and what God holds dear, are priceless.
I'm in the middle of raising two boys to become men. Men who will lead well. In them, I long to see a strength that is as wide as it is deep, immovable convictions, generous grace, godly wisdom, spiritual fortitude, and deep, stubborn love for the things that matter-for Jesus. In our home, we are continually pointing our kids to Jesus. "Where you stare, you steer," is a quote I use often when talking with my kids. Stare at Jesus and you will run right into Him.
I am so thankful for my conversations with this young man of mine. He will be 12 tomorrow. I think his heart is growing faster than his feet, and I'm good with that. He is building a firm foundation, whose name is the LORD. Glory to God!
Written on March 5th, 2020