Quiet Please

Brian referred to me yesterday as an "aggressive sh-shher." The whole family was in the car at the time, and I told him I have to be aggressive or else the little people I am sh-shhing won't hear me.  The cacophony from the back half of the car is so tremendous-I can't hear me. That, and sh-shhing calmly is completely ineffective.  

I think aggressive sh-shhing is really my blood pressure coming out of my mouth.  It is truly freeing. I think sh-shing aggressively and making my kids talk in a deep voice when they are whining, are two of my best parenting maneuvers.
Tonight on the way home from the beach, Brian tried the calm patient "shh" & Gwenie cried louder.  I shh-ed aggressively and she started laughing....looks like my work here is done folks.

Now here is a handsome little man who appears to never need a good sh-shhing.  
He's got you fooled :)

..."My mommy loves me and she sh-shh's aggressively."
