
Today I had one of those not so sparkling mother moments. I took the kids to the mall to buy Emma a pair of school jeans, take a ride on the carousel, and get a nice fresh XL cup of Hot Dog on a Stick lemonade. The later part of our trip was picture perfect, it was the trip to Old Navy where my not so sparkling moment occurred. There is something about that store that makes Titus whine in this ongoing high pitched squeal. So, after he had been doing that off and on as we picked out our items, made our way into the over sized 'I've got three kids and a stroller' changing room, had the girls try on their clothes, and then through the long purchase line-I was so over the whining noise, all I could do was laugh inside and politely smile at customers who couldn't figure out why I wasn't picking him up out of his stroller
(side note: When taking him out the high tech seat belted strollers they have these days would take longer than the amount of time I would actually be holding him-I opt to leave him in...that's seems most practical to me:) and less of a scene, b/c there is always the protester back arching when it is time to go back in .... and also in my defense, he would only whine when the stroller wasn't moving).
So, as I am quickly trying to pay, the debit machine breaks down and all hopes for a quick exit down down he drain. As the cashier is trying to fix the screen, a woman walks in with her 2 grown, beyond the stage of whining in strollers, age. She makes eye contact with me and says, "Is that your daughter up there?" Not knowing for sure if it was or not a said, "Yes." She goes on, "Well, she is hugging a mannequin and I've seen one of those fall over on someone before and it could probably hurt her." Did I say that was my child? I thought to myself. I politely smiled at her and said, "Thanks." And then I noted to the cashier with a giggle, "I've got a noisy one in the stroller, a broken debit machine, and a child hugging a mannequin- now this is a great moment." Normally I might have an insightful instructive moment, and I did later tell Addie next time she should just talk to the mannequin from a far or make up stories about where the mannequin is going in its dazzling Old Navy outfit, but today I just giggled at the sight of me and my crew.

Because a post wouldn't be complete without a picture of "The Abode." Brian loved my last post, but couldn't believe I didn't include a picture of the fine roof he and some dear friends put on (actually he took the old roof off, loaded it into 2 dumpsters, added plywood, and then put on the new roof). It does make the house look better...and how 'bout that grass!!

Sidenote #2: Old Nazvy mannequins are a ground level, they are just asking for it there, but my kids have been known to hold their hands and say things like, "Hey, mommy this one looks like you."


SPKarenO said…
giggle. hugging the mannequin. only your two!!

but what strikes me about this post is the fact that you are buying jeans for the girls for school. which means NO MORE UNIFORMS.

I think this will be a very big adventure for all of you!

And the roof does indeed look GREAT. I'm so impressed by Brian's handiness.
Lindsay said…
Right on Karen...Jeans does indeed mean NO MORE UNIFORMS...bring on the bedazzled jeans and pink accessories! Addie showed a little disappointment in not getting to wear Emma's old uniforms, but I think she'll rebound quickly when she first buckles her sequin belt for kindergarten.
Amy said…
I too have been at Old Navy with my kids hanging out with the mannequins. They however were sitting on top of the dog riding it like a horse. Fun Times!! Hey now that you are in Glendora we really need to hang out more.
Wendy said…
Hey Lindsay! Glad you are moved in. Funny, now I am buying uniforms for my daughter after 9 years! UGH! The home is coming along! CU at Bunco, I hope.