The Abode in Progress

I thought I would paint a better picture of our new home. The last post created quite the interest. So, in order to quench your curiosity, here are some photos for your viewing pleasure- complete with descriptive explanations.

#1 These are my baseboards. The blue thing would be the top of a broom that Titus likes to sweep with and the pink fuzzy object is a slipper. I thought I would leave them in the picture to add a little color and artistic interest.

#2 This is my countertop (yes that was not plural, b/c it is indeed, my only one). Gojo is a hand pumace to get all the house beautifying stuff off. It smells great, so, I am glad when someone has to use it. I do have have daily devotional on the counter top (Thanks Aunt Denise, b/c a woman in this kitchen needs a little bible truth to keep her going). :) And that orange thing is a flashlight, b/c at night when I am doing the dishes it's hard to see them in the dark.

#3 Our fireplace and built-in book shelf
(aka - the tool waiting room). I don't know what else to say about this one...except I think it will look much better when the red paint is all the way gone.

#4 The living room
complete with fabulous lighting, a boxed bathroom vanity and toilet, and the other pick princess slipper. I am very excited for this room. I love the space and will love it more when I can sit in it.

#5 Future home of stove and cabinets. Now home of plaster, and extension cord that was left there last night and I will move up out of reach as soon as I finish this post, and an Eggo waffle toaster (the electricity doesn't work on the sink side of the wall... A minor problem I have been assured and easily fixed). No worries :)

#6 The master bedroom. You may be thinking I am trying to trick you here, but this is actually our room. I have always heard you are supposed to make your bedroom like a sanctuary, so, I did and right away.

#7 The girls bedroom. We made the girls bedroom a sanctuary for them too. I knew before we moved in I had to have a space for them to play without hammer or screwdriver. They painted the flowers themselves. picked out their curtains and paint colors- a sun lamp that goes on the wall, is the only thing still in the progress for their room. The love it!

So, there you have it! Our new home. My husband is a pro at "casting a vision"-he simply asked for me to catch the vision. He says with excitement to this creature of habit, "Come on, Linds, just catch the vision." And that phrase usually means I am in for something uncomfortable for me, but something that will undoubtably become the ride of my life. They say the grass is always greener in someone else's yard, and it is especially in our case, but God has given my a peace that is unexplainable. I feel like I am at home for one of the first times in a long time. We are glad to be here-with our yellow grass and all.


Kelli said…
What an exciting adventure for you! Paul and I had been trying to buy a house since December. We put 17 offers on houses before we finally got an accepted offer! We are hoping to close escrow the middle of this month. I can't tell you how many houses we tried to buy that look just like that- in need of some love and care! Have fun making it your dream home!
SPKarenO said…
okay first of all, i love that red by the fireplace. bring it back!!

second of all, bring your kiddos down to my house so you can get some work down without them underfoot!

and i totally see the potential. i love your sanctuary and the girls room too!
Shannon said…
The bedrooms look AMAZING ... just a preview of what is to come for the rest of the house! Yey for you guys. Living in a "remodel" situation is not easy, esp. with kids, but it will pay off as you build it to be what you want it to be. Hang in there!!
Jack and Doreen said…
Hi Linds and Brian,
We luv your new home and look forward to all the laughs and memories we will have down the road...looking back on this "project". We look forward to helping you in your restoration. God is so good...He found this project for you and will see you through it. Love, Mom and Dad
Steph said…
I have 2 things to say:
1. A true diamond in the rough
2. Better you than me!

Cousin Steph
Matt Etter said…
Hey Linds (aka Linkan) is that Marta in the background on Emma/Addie's bed? Marty is chillin at the house right now, ready for another trip overseas...the "vision" is one of long plane flights in enclosed spaces for poor Marty.

Love you,
Lindsay said…
oh brother Matt! I was going to give specific instructions for you to close your eyes on the pictures of the girls room b/c your birthday present was being broken in and welcomed by the girls. Marta it is and she will be reunited with Marty soon...(Dad, get that story ready)! For all the non-Etter's out there-my brother is a world traveler for business and a year ago the girls gave him a stuffed animal named Marty and a photo album to track all their adventures together. My dad is a brilliant story teller and one night threw in a friend for Marty-and she is the monkey in the picture of the girls room. There you have it! Life is one big adventure in the Etter-Willmer fam.